Office 2021

Office 2021 packages
Office 2021 was released by Microsoft Office at the end of 2021.

The range comes in multiple variants, Office 2021 Home and student, Office 2021 Home and Business and the most comprehensive suite Office 2021 Professional Plus.

Office 2021 packages only come as a one-time purchase, you don’t pay for an annual/monthly subscription here.

Why shop at Licenses4US

Licenses4US guarantees the quality of the licenses. We buy in bulk in order to be able to offer the best prices, at the most favorable conditions.

Fast, free shipping.

All our software is available from stock.
After your order, we will forward an email to you in which you will receive the licensed software.
Of course including all accompanying materials so that you can get the most out of your software.

Activation by us guaranteed!

All software sold by us comes with activation guarantee.
In fact, sometimes a code cannot be activated.
No stress, we will then send you a new one. Please contact our support department for this.
We guarantee quality and promise that the software will keep working as long as the licence lasts.